Tuesday 1st
I lost interest in Irish politics after the one politician I cared about, Aodhán Ó Riordáin (because of his work for same-sex marriage and drug reform) lost his seat. Hate to be in Labour, wouldn't you? Still following les presidentielles, though. Hillary or Bernie? Ooo.
Most of the month was just lots and lots of studying late, as in the tweet below. And yes, I know, *souffrir.
On doit souffre pour les résultats... pic.twitter.com/460Zpr6RD7— Elle Loughran (@frizzyroselle) March 2, 2016
Had some fun being a nerd with my whiteboard:
When you claim the kitchen table as your desk pic.twitter.com/V5yRPyrfWd— Elle Loughran (@frizzyroselle) March 3, 2016
Monday 7th:
Did my mock French oral after school and got 90%, then was straight off to the train, then two buses, then slept over at Chloe's with Gabi to get ready for London the next day.
Tuesday 8th:
Went to London with Chloe and Gabi to give a talk at the World Youth Organisation's International Women's Day Summit. Had an amazing time so thanks to the organisers, especially Kieran. Those fancy wifi-equipped taxis weren't half bad. My favourite part was being part of the power trio. Chloe and Gabi are amazing and I can't wait to see where they go. And also to sing about memes with them, the memes are important too.
— Elle Loughran (@frizzyroselle) March 9, 2016
Great day! pic.twitter.com/DWUD211rdV— Kieran Goodwin (@_kierangoodwin) March 9, 2016
I'm really proud that over the last month or two I've gotten over my fear of public speaking and now I love it. So hit me up with gigs, y'all.
I went back to school the next day (Wednesday) after returning to Dublin airport at midnight Tuesday night. Hardcore.
Saturday 12th:
I had my Irish mock oral. I got the one sraith phictiúr I knew, but otherwise I felt it went terribly, going by the examiner's face. But then I ended up getting 89% so it mustn't have been that bad. Lovely surprise.
After the Irish oral pic.twitter.com/mthupCJArB— Elle Loughran (@frizzyroselle) March 12, 2016
The same day, a video featuring me and other EmTech youth leaders Lauren and Tom played during Victor's talk at SXSW in Texas (?).
Monday 14th
I went with Chloe to a Particle Physics masterclass held in UCD. We got loads of data from their CMS experiment, learned some Particle Physics, analyzed the data and had a videoconference with other masterclasses and CERN. Our teachers Ronan and Tara were great. Plus, banter time with Chloe which is always good. So many transport disasters though.
Wednesday 16th
Sang in the choir for a mass for Easter/school's anniversary/something. There were loads of past students and teachers there, it was cool - and I got to tell my 1st Year Guidance Counsellor how glad I am she wouldn't let me drop science after 1st Year. Can you imagine?
Thursday 17th
Wasn't allowed do anything for St. Patrick's day sadly, but at least I was reasonably productive.
Stuck home but hey I got a 25% tip on Fiverr, wrote some pretty Chemistry notes and packed for Birmingham tomorrow 🙌 pic.twitter.com/rAweW6V0e0— Elle Loughran (@frizzyroselle) March 17, 2016
Friday 18th
Flew to Birmingham with Mam and stayed in an Airbnb for the first time. The host, Michael, was lovely.
Saturday 19th
Attended the CREST/British Science Association Youth Panel meeting and the Big Bang Science Fair. Got to see the Stemettes (woo!) and had fun with the Youth Panel. During the meeting, we learned how to do science busking, came up with ideas for connecting global cultures (for some reason) and helped the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation come up with ideas for competitions. And there was good food.
@CRESTAwards Youth Panel meeting at NEC Birmingham was fab ✌️ pic.twitter.com/VrxrFi2Yf7— Elle Loughran (@frizzyroselle) March 19, 2016
Sunday 20th
Explored Birmingham a little, got noodles and flew home. It was really weird because I'd been looking forward to London and Birmingham for so long and then they were over. Oh well, there'll be more trips.
Tuesday 22nd
Double sleepover at Ben's was amazing.

Thursday 24th
Alice slept over at mine. Alice, you're a great egg.
As a lovely Easter present, the internet where I was staying broke for nine days. Tragedy.
Thursday 31st
Slept over at Chloe's, then Alice's twice. Because they're great and I don't see them enough.

So...yeah! Not too bad a month altogether.