Publisher: Puffin
Source: Various
Pages: 200-500
Rating: 5 Stars, overall.
Blurb of first book:
Artemis Fowl. You've probably heard the name.
If Internet rumours are to be believed, he's responsible for every major crime of the new century. If you haven't heard of young Artemis, the you're lucky. You'll sleep better not knowing that someone like him is out there. But if you must know, if curiosity is eating away at you, as it did at me, then let's start at the beginning...
In this, the story of Artemis' first encounter with the fairy People, you'll find out how he hatched a plot to restore his family's fortune. You'll read how he discovered a world below ground of armed and dangerous fairies, farting dwarfs and mind-blowing technology. And you'll learn how, by kidnapping Captain Holly Short of the Lower Elements Police, Artemis almost triggered a cross-species war.
Still with me? Well, strap in, adventurers - you've never read anything quite like this..
Yours in deep cover,
Eoin Colfer.
I hope that clears things up a little, or at least reveals some of the gorgeous wit in this series.
Fairies. Underground. Ireland as a centre for magic (I agree). Kickass, hi-tech fairies with cool acronyms (may I mention LEPRecon?). A teenage mega-genius mainly intent on excellently plotted crime. Hi-tech manor. Oblivious outside world. Yes please.Characters:
Artemis II: I'm not ashamed to say that I had a crush on Artemis when I was younger. I love intelligent, witty, sarcastic guys and Eoin Colfer goes to great lengths to show how much he ticks all those boxes. I love love love his plotting rituals and all his little quirks. Plus, his fanart is to die for. Truly an excellent character (some great quotes from Artemis at the end).Butler: Butler is a formidable character, but being a reader you start to feel affection for him as the series develops. His relationship with Artemis is both hilarious and sweet and his fight scenes are stylish and exciting, which is always a win.
Holly: Everyone's favourite elf, Holly invented badassery under pressure. Witty, loyal and brave, she's a very endearing character. However, she is not a Dobby, with so many moments of glory throughout the series. Not that Dobby doesn't have moments of glory. Take 'Dobby is a FREE ELF'.As it develops we see a more *human* (elven?) side to Holly, and it's heartbreaking because of what she has to go through when you realise how much you actually care for her.
Foaly: Foaly's paranoia makes for great entertainment. I love the banter between him and Artemis, and the details of his technology. I enjoy his sarcastic comments towards Commander Root, and his intelligence. Having an equal conversation with Artemis is no simple task.
Always fast-moving, with an assortment of well-developed characters to add spontaneity and excitement.Interspersed with dialogue and excellent quips, these books are never boring.
Jumped out at me: Camaraderie/ Plotting:
I would have said (fairy) technology, but I'm honestly not trying to sound like a broken record here.I swear.The camaraderie between Holly and Artemis, Artemis and Butler, Holly and Butler, Artemis and Foaly and Holly and Foaly is ever-present, and I love it. It's always shown with great wit and attention to detail.
Artemis' plots unfold with breathtaking finesse. They're a wonder just to watch. You think an element of the plan is unnecessary, and then at the very end everything slots perfectly into place. And then Opal Koboi comes in, and it gets to a whole new level.
I commend you, Eoin Colfer.
Read them. Just do it. You can thank me later.
Website: www.artemisfowl.co.uk
Love this series (though I've only read the first three so far)! The characters, the world building, the plot - all excellent. Glad you think so, as well.
ReplyDeleteRe: how to make the coloured boxes to put summaries in for your reviews. I used this excellent tutorial to show me how to do it. Very simple once you figure out how to use it!
Same! The Eternity Code was brilliant, but you should definitely read the Opal Deception anyway (I mean, who doesn't love an omnicidal pixie?). Thanks very much for the link, I'll make it a different colour to yours or something, just needed it to make it easier for readers to differentiate between each section. Thanks!
DeleteWow. I finally got around to trying out that tutorial and realised just how technologically inexperienced I am.