In the picture are Ben, Bridget and me. There's also a not-so-well-taken picture but I want to include Ciarán so here it is.

This was from a CTYI disco, the second one if I recall correctly. Ciarán's the one with cat ears. He's going to get introduced like that a lot, by the way, so get used to it. It's his thing.
We see that I'm carrying on my unintentional tradition of wearing oversized dresses to CTYI discos and having to irritatedly fix their positioning all night. The size of the dress makes my arms look really weird. And white. I'm just gonna pretend that's because of the camera angle.
Anyway, this reminds me of one of my favourite things in the world, which is CTYI discos. I've been to very few real-world discos, but one I remember (and discussed properly here) was Galaxy, a standard under-18s disco. I hated that one, and CTYI discos are so very different.
For one thing, I actually like the people there. There are very few people in CTYI I'm not friendly with, and even less I actively dislike. I'm always surrounded by friends and not afraid I'll have no one to dance with.
Also, the music is infinitely better. There's a setlist that has to get played or else the Nevermores get cranky, which includes Mr. Brightside, Iris, Bohemian Rhapsody, the Pokémon theme tune, American Pie, Gay Bar and Bad Touch. By now, all of those songs have huge sentimental value to me, and so I can really get into them while in the disco. And, see earlier point, I can do it with friends. Last year Ciarán spun me around awesomely during the high point of Footloose and I remember it very fondly, it was so exhilarating. I Don't Care (I Love It) was also played a lot last year, and oh wow did I dance to that. I must resolve not to develop a crush on someone in CTYI next year. It can taint it after we break up.
Also, CTYI discos are themed (except for the last one). The fancy dress discos are cool because CTYI people actually make an effort. I remember last year Ogden was Willy Wonka, my roommate was Wilhelmina Wonka, and while this was spontaneous they co-ordinated excellently. There were also some other brilliant costumes. I went as Katniss last year, using a whole packet of my room-mate's BandAids to stick little flames cut from orange and red crepe to my dress. I also wore a pink feather boa, and by the end of the disco there were mysteriously pink, red and orange feathers all over the floor. To this day, no one knows the cause.
I'm getting really sentimental thinking about those discos, but yeah. This is one of my most treasured memories. I think my first ever CTYI disco might well have been the happiest moment of my life.
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