was the designated fun part of my weekend (what a sad thing to say [stop with the
parenthetical speech, Elle]), because I was heading to the CTYI reunion, which
would be smaller than the one on Valentine’s Day but still hopefully fab.
said he’d go because I was, and Seán was bagpacking but we said we’d meet him
when he was done. I took the train at half ten and, to my dismay, found while I
was already on route that it only went as far as Connolly, which was two stops
away from the place I knew.
I got off, I couldn’t find a DART to get me to Pearse soon enough so I just
walked. I got so very, very lost, ending up at Bus Áras and The Irish Times
before finally finding the Science Gallery, from where I sort of knew the way
to Stephen’s Green.
went through Trinity campus and took the wrong road for ages, then backtracked
and eventually found the way to Grafton Street (by the way, thank you to shops
that say the street name on their signs. So helpful). I was in sight of Stephen’s
Green shopping centre when I saw a flash of movement and Ciarán crashed
into/hugged me, followed by Arthur who I haven’t seen in ages. He wasn’t
wearing his glasses, which made him harder to recognise.
then we went up to the people still at the Stephen’s Green front gate (I was
around 40 minutes late for the reunion because of all the getting lost, and
Ciarán had presumably been at grinds). I hugged Jerry and Fez, and reunited
with Dermot who actually said my hair was adequate and declined to comment on
my outfit (for Dermot, that’s amazing).
We then went and found Seán, and went into McDonalds so he could change out of his school uniform and Arthur could take out his contacts and put on glasses. We chilled in McDonalds for ages (Ciarán and I bought Apple Pies) and then I realised what I'd gotten myself into when all three of them took out a Vita/DS and started playing games. So I was sitting there leaning on Ciarán being typical bored girlfriend, which I was not happy with. I tried to steal Seán's Vita to get him to do something for me to fill the bingo card (more on that in a second) and then got caught in the middle of two tables as the three of them tackled me to get it off me. Quite aggressive/impressive.
About the Bingo card: on Friday night, I was skyping Seán and Ciarán when Seán decided to make a Custom Bingo card for things I always do during Skype calls (e.g. randomly singing, my laptop shutting down). It was surprisingly easy to come up with 25 things, and then I fulfilled almost all of them during that one call. Damnit. But there was one left (make Seán carry something) which we spent a lot of Saturday trying to do. Eventually, he carried me to fulfill it. But he wouldn't carry the Apple Pie in McDonalds.
After that, Arthur got a chocolate crepe in Gino's and we had some weird conversation about overflowing chocolate or something.
Then we left and Seán and Arthur went to this game store called Rage which is apparently really overpriced, although Seán managed to find something for like €30 that someone was trying to sell for a thousand on Ebay. While they were there, Ciarán and I went to Asia Market (me begrudgingly). They literally had huge dead fish there, out in the open. Fish: really, really not my thing.
Then we walked a bit more and chatted until Seán whispered something in Ciarán's ear. They wouldn't tell me what that was, and then a few minutes later two of them held my arms and I suddenly looked up and saw the shop sign:
Forbidden Planet.
Where I'd specifically said not to go. I struggled a lil bit for the craic, then went in. There were some weird things in there, but I liked the book section. I just find comics really hard to read because I find pictures harder to decipher than words and my eyes can't focus on them. I saw the Temeraire series and books by Cassandra Clare.
Then they asked me to pick my favourite out of three Pokemon they were holding. I said Fennekin because (a) it looks nice (b) I'd seen it before (c) I knew its name, and Seán and Arthur were happy but Ciarán wasn't, oops. Ciarán wanted me to pick Froakie apparently. I also learned what big brother means in manga ... uh.

After that, we went to Murphy's and I got that amazing photo above. See how it says "me and my Murphys"? There I am with Ciarán Murphy (boyfriend) and Arthur Murphy, so I am with my Murphys. It's like a visual pun, it's amazing.
Shortly afterwards we went to Apache Pizza. I didn't buy anything but I took some of Ciarán and Seán's chips and Arthur kindly gave me two slices of ham pizza. We then walked Arthur to Pearse Station...
and then Ciarán had an idea, and invited me and Seán back to his house to play Super Smash Bros.
Now, I had always promised I'd play stuff if we could do it together in his physical presence, so I called my Dad on Seán's phone and asked if I could get a later train (at 10 p.m.), while Ciarán called his Dad and asked if I could come over. Dad agreed once I assured him I'd be safe, as did Ciarán's Dad.
Oh, and then Seán tied the arms of my hoody together so tightly that I couldn't actually get it off. Not having the use of my hands was a little odd.
We started walking towards the bus and bumped into Paddy on the way (well, glimpsed his blue hair, and Ciarán sprinted to catch him and bring him to us). We chatted for a while and decreed that biology isn't a real (LC) science, then realised that our bus was there and sprinted for that. But first, I got Paddy to untie me.
Ciarán had change so he paid for my ticket (I reimbursed him later) and we showed Seán how destroyed my iPod is. I had to distract Ciarán to stop him annoying Seán by telling him what to do in the game he was playing.
We got off the bus and went to Seán's house briefly before walking to a shop (bought sweets) and then to Ciarán's. His mam gave us minipizzas which was nice, and then we went upstairs and played Smash Bros.
It was ... a learning experience. Seán laughed a lot and Ciarán was very distressed when they saw that I was holding the remote upside down and sideways, but they taught me and were patient and nice so it was fine. I chose Princess Peach because duh and though I lost a lot, I don't think I disgraced myself so it was fine. I conceded that it was actually pretty fun in small doses and with friends.
We had a really, really nice time. Seán left around 9 because he was working the next day. We made Ciarán a hot water bottle (the one I bought him for Valentine's) and went back upstairs. I did Duolingo and checked my Facebook on his computer (which he didn't like). Also, he has like three screens in his room, it's cray.
Ciarán is fab, Seán is, Arthur is, I had a really great time and it was great to see Ciarán again only a week after last time. And I LOVE that photo, which is down to serendipity and Seán's photography skills.
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