What countries have you lived in?
I have always lived in France, but some years ago, me and my family spent one week in Roma, Italy.
What do you like about France?
About France I like so much things! I love the countryland and all the different landscapes. I like the traditions, the accents, the old villages, the food... I love the French culture with all the writers, painters, architects ... and of course I'm fond of the history.
What do you dislike about France?
I dislike the way French people are forgetting their roots. The countryland is deserted while in cities people are not proud anymore of being French. There is more criminality and less identity. People also are stressed and always hurry, they don't have time to care about each other.
What are the similarities and differences between Ireland and France?
Northern France looks quite the same than Ireland. The general Irish people are much more welcoming. They take themselves far less seriously than the French do: they can laugh and joke at a lot of things. The French also have a lot of jokes, but often, it's about others! It seems to me that artistic skills are valued in Ireland, but not in France.
Why did you come to Ireland?
I came to Ireland to improve my English and have a little break. I wanted to travel in Ireland before, but I'd never have wonder to stay here for a year! I really like this country.
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
I don't know. I think I would travel from one to another. I would like to live some years in Ireland, but also in Canada. But I will always go back in France.
What was your first impression of Ireland?
My first impression when I got out of the plane was "How cold!". The second one was that people were talking so fast I couldn't understand a single word and I was a little paniqued ... But I was really excited and I couldn't still believe I was to spend a year there.
Will you miss Ireland?
Of course I will miss Ireland! One year is just enough to feel attached to a country but still have so much things to do and learn that you have to go back some days again.
How has studying in Ireland affected you?
After my studying here, I decided to do an English course in college to keep my English good and be able to live abroad. I want to teach later: English and French as foreign languages, and history.
Thanks! Anne-Claire is now back in France, and we wish her all the best.
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