Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Outbox Days 7 & 8 (Saturday & Sunday): Demo Day, Olympic Park, Newbies

I'm writing this post quite late so hopefully I won't have forgotten everything.

We got up early on Saturday to head to the 02 Think Big arena, which sucked because I'd been up until 4 a.m. the night before (my own fault, admittedly). We took a train (no wifi!) and the Underground (which was nice - I don't understand why people dislike it). One of the guys from the film crew tried to film me on the train and I was just like "can you not".

We got there and the place was a lot smaller than expected. Particularly since I'd stayed up so late, I knew I wasn't going to get anywhere with the pitch (having two days to prepare didn't help either). But I wanted to go up and give it a go for the sake of it. Shoutout to Ciara S for supporting everyone so well. Here's us on the way there (Jo's photo):

Attempt at names, from left: Niamh, Saarah, Ellie, Elizabeth, Megan, Molly, Beth, people partially obscured, Kate, Ciara, Ellora, Michelle, Pips, Ciara, Camille, Catrina, Gabi, Aoife, Edel, Christine, me, Grace, Charlotte, and then Martha and Maisie in front. Not sure where Tyriah and Amy are, but they're around I'm sure.

This is a great picture of my friends right before pitching:

People won various things, then we chilled in the park outside for a bit and got this awesome photo. This is great for two reasons: we're being cute buds, and my smile actually looks decent in a photo. Amazing.

We were all wrecked so some people went home. The rest walked to the station, then got the Underground (I think) to Olympic Park. That was really cool, I haven't been to a funfair in forever. We mostly just ate and walked around, but it was really great bonding time and even though it was cloudy it was quite warm. Shoutout to Amy, Ciara, Christine, Gabi.

We got home in the evening and I don't even know what happened then. We pulled an all-nighter that night because people were leaving for the airport in the early morning and we wanted to see them off. I very nearly made it, sleeping for an hour at half four. I still got to say goodbye to people so it was okay. Emotional saying goodbye to my incubestie Christine:

It was sad to see the others go too. Shoutout to Ciara J, Aoife, Lauren and Aileen. We were all so sleep-deprived. At 7 on Sunday, I went back to sleep until twelve and really didn't do much that day until late afternoon. Two nights of extreme sleep deprivation will do that to you.

Saarah and I welcomed some newbies, Sonia and Emma, to the house around 5 p.m.  and gave them a house tour, then chilled in Room 8 for a while. I was just lying on the bed scrolling down my iPad when I dozed off. I was so tired.

Chloe arrived in the next batch, which was fun. We gave another tour, then chilled for a bit. This is what I say when I have no idea what we did.

Well, I know there was food on the tables and we talked to the newbs. Almost everyone had gone to the Sherlock BBC proms, at which Martin Freeman and Mrs. Hudson were present, so I had a really nice conversation with Chloe and one by text with Cian.

When they got back, we all watched the first episode of Sherlock and I had the bants with Kate. I'd never seen Sherlock before, and I'm pleased to report that it was brilliant. I love watching him show off his intelligence (the listing off of things he notices is pretty thrilling, amiright?) even though he speaks way too fast and low. The speed would be okay if he had a higher-pitched voice.

Chatting, cute roommate stuff (probably Gabi making us toast), sleep.

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