Thursday, 10 September 2015

Summer's Last Weekend: Saturday and Sunday

This was so long ago. Sorry, blog. Hopefully I can remember at least some. 

I got the bus in with Alice, tragically forgetting my ukulele in the rush. It was the day of a big water charges protest, so we were told to be careful. 

When we got to Stephens Green, I jumped on and hugged a lot of people and vice versa. I hadn't seen so many of these people in what felt like forever. There were so many CTYIzens there that it felt almost like CTYI itself. Big reunions bring me great joy. 

There was, of course, at least one ukulele present. Here's Alice looking blurred and artsy. 

I got some really amazing squad photos at that reunion, ones that make me really happy. 

Here's the Outbox squad plus Alice (who's going to apply for Outbox next year, aren't you, Alice?)

I have a ton of two-person selfies but with so many photos I'm just not going to put those up. Since it was so long ago, I sadly can't remember all that went on. I know we went to Burger King and the Rock Garden. 

Don't even ask what my hair is doing. Ain't we cute?

The cutest. 

we went ambling around town then. We hung out upstairs in Stephens Green until we got kicked out, went to Eddie Rockets (interesting jaunt to Dunnes with PJ, who's awesome). I hung out with Cian a ton, of course. He was adorable altogether, including buying me three copies of New Scientist. 

Hello, side of Cian's head. 

We went to a Forbidden Planet, as usual. Here's a photo of us nearby. Why? Because. 

That's the complete Outbox squad, since we called PJ and Cian while in there. 

Also, I adore this photo: 

Gelle@Outbox 2k15. 

If I were to describe Saturday in two words, they would be squad goals. 


I was wanted back home by 4 on Sunday, so I could only have fun with Alice until two. We went shopping in Tallaght in the square, and I discovered that Alice is even more wonderful than previously thought. Also has an obsession with novelty teas. 

Then her dad drove me to the train station, where there was a very dramatic process involving comfusion about train timetables and taking about five trains. 

And then one of the best weekends of the life was done, finished, complete. School the next morning. 

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