Like every single carbon-based lifeform in the universe, I adored Hamilton: an American Musical a few years ago and listened to the whole soundtrack every single day for months. I actually thought my friend was exaggerating when she told me she'd done that but nope. Cool fact: I was introduced to Hamilton on a plane flying over the Irish Sea. I got sick of it eventually but it's growing on me again. Without further ado, the tag.
The Room Where It Happens - A World You'd Put Yourself In
Harry Potter! I think a lot of us desperately wanted to go to Hogwarts. Probably not while Harry was present though - I'm the Ravenclaw version of Hermione and would like to be left in peace to learn magic.
The Schuyler Sisters - An Underrated Female Character

Either Romy from The Loneliest Girl in the Universe or Jarra from Earth Girl, for their resourcefulness under circumstances out of their control. Romy in particular grabbed me immediately and had me feeling all big-sister-protective of her the whole way through.
My Shot - A Character Who Goes After What They Want and Doesn't Let Anything Stop Them
Review here.
You'll Be Back - Sassiest Villain
Not 'villains' per se but some of the antagonists (to each other) are pretty sassy in the Stormlight Archives, like Adolin to Kaladin. (Side note: I haven't read Oathbringer yet but is there a reason so many of their names contain 'in'?)
Non-Stop - A Series You Marathoned
Definitely The Hunger Games. I remember staying up most of the night so that I could ready books 1 and 2 in one sitting.
Satisfied - Favourite Book with Multiple POVs
One of Brandon Sanderson's books for sure. I've read (part of) two of his series, The Stormlight Archives and Mistborn, and in those he changes perspective a lot (in Stormlight Archives he also has these cool little vignettes between sections to show other aspects of the world). Every time he changed perspective I was like no don't change I need to know what happens in this storyline! but then every time he got to the end of the new chapter I said the exact same thing! So that's a testiment to how gripping his work is.
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story - A Book with a Legacy
I am contractually obligated to put Harry Potter here or else JK Rowling will steal my glasses and I'll never be able to read again.
Helpless - A Relationship You Rooted for From the Start

Ten Duel Commandments - Favourite Fight Scene
Ooh this has to be Brandon Sanderson again, either for Mistborn with its awesome metal-based magic system or for The Stormlight Archives because Kaladin leading his group into battle gave me that amazing goosebumpy excitement.
Say No to This - A Guilty Pleasure Read

Review here.
What Comes Next - A Series You Wish Had More Books
(Sidenote: boyfriend suggests Game of Thrones/aSoIaF.)
Honestly, I very often find myself annoyed at books for being series when I just want to read some damn standalones, so I'm going to flip this and say series I wish were standalones:
- Delirium
- Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor
- Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
- maybe Mistborn but only because I hated the way the trilogy ended but adored the first book
- so many more
It's not necessarily that I don't love the universe - many of these are books I loved reading - but I have a lot of books to read and I love it when a book is short and sweet and packs its goodness into one nice package. I'm fine with books that need it - say Harry Potter or Skulduggery Pleasant - but I guess it feels like some YA books have been trilogies for no good reason, and the escalation feels formulaic.
Right Hand Man - Favourite BROTP

What'd I Miss - a Book or Series You Were Late to
Stay Alive - A Character You Wish Was Still Alive
Click to see spoiler: ( )
Burn - The Most Heartbreaking End to a Relationship
'Kiss me, hardy'...god. Ouch. What a way for it to end. What a demonstration of friendship. Click to see spoiler: ( )
The Reynolds Pamphlet - A Book with a Twist you Didn't See Coming
Ender's Game with that famous ending. Or My Sister's Keeper. Probably a fair few, I'm not very good at predicting endings, which is the way I like it.
Let me know if you agree with my choices!
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